Treaty No. 6 was signed on August 23, 1876 at Fort Carlton in Saskatchewan. The total area of the Treaty stretches from western Alberta, through Saskatchewan and into Manitoba; and includes 50 First Nations. Provisions in the Treaty recognize the notion of the medicine chest as well as the right to education.
The Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations was created in the Spring of 1993 with the purpose of serving as the United Political voice for those Treaty Nations who are signatories of Treaty No. 6 for the continued protection of the fundamental Treaty, Inherent and Human Rights of the Treaty peoples of those Nations.
The Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations is dedicated to ensuring that the terms, spirit and intent of Treaty No.6 are honored and respected. The right of the Treaty No. 6 First Nations to self-determination must be honoured and respected.
Self Determination includes both the right to choose their own governmental and political structures, and to direct the social, cultural, spiritual and economic advancement of their peoples.

...For as long as the Sun shines, the Rivers flow and the Grass grows...

What is Treaty? Why is it Important?

Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM-12:00 PM, 1:00 PM-4:30 PM
Closed weekends & statutory holidays including National Indigenous Peoples Day
For general inquiries, questions or concerns, please call: 780-944-0334 or fill out the following form
Head Office
c/o Enoch Cree Nation No. 135
PO Box 270, Enoch, AB T7X 3Y3
Sub Administration Office
17816 - 118 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5S 2W3
Ph: (780) 944-0334
Fax: (780) 944-0346