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The office of the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations was created in the spring of 1993. Its purpose: to serve as the united political voice for our Member Nations, because they believe that there is a need for fundamental treaty and human rights of First Nations people to be protected.
The Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations is dedicated to ensuring that the terms, spirit, and intent of Treaty Six are honoured and respected. The right of First Nations to self-determination must be honoured and respected - this includes the right to choose their own government and political structures, and to determine and direct the social, cultural, spiritual, and economic advancement of their people.
The Confederacy strives to fulfill its mandates through its primary functions, which include, but are not limited to:
Monitoring legislation's and policies that affect treaty rights
Assisting the First Nations to develop treaty positions, policies, and programs
Educating people about treaties, through acting as a clearing house of information
Conducting workshops and seminars
Liaising with other organizations concerned with treaty issues
The Chiefs and Elders of the member First Nations have mandated the Confederacy to:
Advocate, protect, enhance, and provide awareness of treaty rights
Reestablish the bilateral nation-to-nation relationship with the Imperial Crown, as affirmed by treaty
Lobby the international community, the United Nations, and other International forums for:
Recognition as nations with the right to self-determination
Respect for the International status of our treaty
The establishment of an International Agency to monitor treaty violations
Promote respect for Mother Earth